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To learn more about vigils, visit these links below:


Vigil Reports

Vigil Goals

Vigil Guidelines


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Bottoms Up: Guide to Grassroots Activism

Prisons and Poisons

November Coalition Projects

Get on the Soapbox! with Soap for Change

November Coalition: We Have Issues!

November Coalition Local Scenes

November Coalition Multimedia Archive

The Razor Wire
Bring Back Federal Parole!
November Coalition: Our House

Stories from Behind The WALL

November Coalition: Nora's Blog

National Vigil Project - Goals

1. Show the human face of our nation's drug war prisoners

Prisoners are people. We humanize those characterized by legislators and law enforcement officials as dangerous and violent predators. By holding up prisoner posters, giving out educational material to share with the general public, and talking to people, we create an opportunity to present our issue as we see it. When the public connects unjust laws with the people and families affected, sympathy is a common response. Public outcry may lead to legislative reform and regular vigils will ensure that drug war prisoners are not forgotten in the process.

2. Identify and activate supporters

The National Vigil Project includes a network of social justice groups, prison reformers and drug reform activists. A method of direct action that requires physical presence, a regularly scheduled public presence allows supporters to attract like-minded individuals in their community. Holding vigils at courthouses, jails and prisons introduces our organization to specific groups that often visit these institutions: judges, prosecutors, police, jailers, prisoners and their loved ones.

3. Promote reform projects

Presently, the November Coalition is promoting, a CANpaign for freedom, our Petition for Relief from Drug War Injustice, and the Journey for Justice. Many vigil leaders pass out broadsides (brochures) and other literature on these campaigns for public distribution. Signature gathering for ballot initiatives, petitions and voter registration are other ways that volunteers involve the general public during a vigil.

4. Generate media coverage

Once a vigil leader is organized, vigil date and place selected, and a group of volunteers has been recruited, the leader should send press releases to local media. Vigil reports frequently note that media coverage has been consistent and favorable.

5. Inspire new levels of creativity and expression

Vigil participation is an easy way to take part in a "direct action". Participants are empowered. Most vigils can be described as "quiet and dignified." others have public speakers, "chants" and abundant interaction with the public. By design, the project lends itself to all levels of experience in both the leader and participants and can be effective in any size community. As an introductory experience, most leaders and the team assembled continue their activism in a variety of forums in their communities. As networks strengthen, joint planning and cooperation is fostered, making the best use of precious resources.

6. Create widespread awareness leading to popular support

Vigils grow in terms of local participation and cities that have vigil leaders and volunteers. As vigil groups grow, numbers of participants will ultimately create "freedom rings" --peaceful citizens surrounding courthouses to demand the release of drug war prisoners and the repeal of mindless prohibition laws.

Working to end drug war injustice

Meet the People Behind The U.S. Sentencing Guidelines

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