Susan T. Davidson -- #09557-045

12 1/2 Years -- Drug Conspiracy

Dear Friends:

I am a POW incarcerated at the FCI in Tallahassee, Florida on a drug conspiracy charge. I received a twelve-and-one-half-year prison sentence after being convicted at an eight hour "trial." I have no charged or indicted co-conspirators, no charged or indicted codefendants, and there were no drugs. I went to trial, and of course, lost. The only witnesses who testified against me were four police officers.

I am a 39-year-old mother of two young children, whom I miss dearly. Michael, age 7, and Tony, age 5, are being cared for by my sister Paula. Although all of my family is very supportive of my situation, I really do not think that they are as aware of this horrendous situation as they probably should be.

Your efforts are very much appreciated by so many across this country. Please keep up the good work.