Carlos A. Hernandez -- #69823-080

6 Years -- Marijuana Conspiracy

Carlos A. Hernandez, prisoner of the drug war
I am a 26-year-old Hispanic serving a 6 year federal prison sentence for "conspiracy to sell marijuana."

In my case, there was never any actual marijuana found.

I was convicted because a person I thought was a friend -- told the police I was selling pot.

I am from El Paso, Texas and being held in prison 1,500 miles from my home and family. Being so far away makes visits impossible.

I am married and have a 2-1/2 year old son that I've never seen. This is extremely hard on my family.

There was no violence and yet I am serving more prison time than someone convicted of robbery or assault.

I think this is wrong and I hope the public calls for change in this crazy thing called the "Drug War."

Carlos Hernandez' wife and child