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Letter From The Argentine MothersMembers of the William Kunstler Fund/Mothers of NY Disappeared made a recent trip to Buenos Aires to meet the Argentine Madres de Plaza de Mayo, who served as the inspiration for their regular demonstrations against the harsh New York Rockefeller Drug Laws. Below is a letter, translated from the original Spanish, from the Argentine Madres de Plaza de Mayo to NY Gov. George Pataki, published Monday, Feb 16th, in NY's leading Spanish language news outlet, El Diario La Prensa. MADRES DE PLAZA DE MAYO LINEA FUNDADORATo Mr. Governor of the State of New York, George Pataki
As a human rights movement we worry that they are fulfilled, not only in our country but anywhere in the world where they are subjugated. Knowing through the institution Mothers of the New York Disappeared (Madres de los Desaparecidos de Nueva York) of the inhumane conditions of detention and prolonged sentences in the state of New York, we ask the Governor George Pataki for the annulment of the Rockefeller Laws, as they violate those rights and attempt against the dignity of the person.
For all of this we ask the Governor to become involved as responsible for the injustices committed in the prisons and accelerate carrying through all necessary for the annulment of the Rockefeller Laws, thus, assuming a direct commitment to find a humanitarian exit to put an end to this situation. Through this letter we want to send our affection and solidarity to the incarcerated, mothers and families of that State, and commit with this cause in which we are accompanied by our: 30,000 DETAINED OR DISAPPEARED AT PRESENTRespectfully, MADRES DE PLAZA DE MAYO LINEA FUNDADORA
Below is an account of the on-going visit of Mothers of the NY Disappeared Co-Founders, Randy Credico and Anthony Papa, and member Julie Colon, who have been welcomed by the Argentine Mothers of the Disappeared in Argentina. Their presence in Buenos Aries is a timely reminder that the struggle to repeal the Rockefeller Drug laws here at home is on going, and all of us are challenged to continue the fight for justice. ![]() As we approach the 31st anniversary of the signing of the Rockefeller Drug Laws in New York State, I urge all of you to take active part in demanding that the laws that unjustly imprison thousands of people be repealed. The collateral consequences of imprisonment for a mandatory minimum length of time (15 years to Life, minimum to 25 year to Life, maximum) continue to mount - most notably in the fact that A-1 felony convictions result in the loss of voting rights. In this election year, it is our responsibility to ensure that our elected representatives support the people's desire to have these laws stricken from the books. A more humane approach to the problem of drug use is needed. And it is to your benefit as a citizen with a voice to demand that your representative listen to you. - Jan Warren February 6, 2004 - From the Drug War Chronicle:Mothers to MothersNew York Drug Reform Activists Visit ArgentinaMembers of the Mothers of the New York Disappeared, a group devoted to repealing that state's draconian Rockefeller Drug Laws, traveled this week to Argentina to meet with their namesakes and inspiration, Argentina's Mothers and Grandmothers of the Disappeared (www.madres.org and www.madres-lineafundadora.org). In a gesture of solidarity and support that stretches across the hemisphere, the two groups fighting against repression and for human rights met for the first time in Buenos Aires this week. The New York Mothers, part of a large and growing coalition to "Drop the Rock," or repeal the Rockefeller Laws, are made up of family members of some of the more than 20,000 people serving lengthy mandatory minimum sentences in the state. Their Argentine counterparts formed in the 1970s to demand that the Argentine government account for the thousands of people who "disappeared" at the hands of the rightist military dictatorship that took power in 1976. The Argentine junta's "dirty war" against leftist opponents-armed and unarmed alike -- was one of the darkest chapters of 20th Century Latin American history. Somewhere between 10,000 and 30,000 students, trade unionists, peasants, human rights workers, and complete innocents were kidnapped, tortured, and killed by the military regime with the quiet acquiescence of successive US governments, who viewed the Argentine atrocities as part of a larger hemispheric struggle against communism. Many were tortured at the Naval Mechanics School in Buenos Aires, then drugged and tossed unconscious from Argentine Air Force planes into the frigid waters of the South Atlantic. Others were executed, then dressed in guerrilla uniforms and displayed as battle casualties. Still others were buried in mass graves. Pregnant women gave birth in captivity, then were killed, their infants disappearing into military families. The Argentine Mothers of the Disappeared (also known as the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo) were forged in this terrible crucible. Beginning while the military junta still held power; they confronted the military with the moral authority of wronged parents. The Mothers, in their trademark white scarves, endured the sneers and scorn of regime supporters, as well as threats, assaults, and kidnappings, as they marched without fail every Thursday in front of the presidential palace demanding justice. And they still march, for justice has not been done. While some leaders of the junta have since been jailed, the ultimate fate of thousands of "disappeared" remains unknown, as do the whereabouts of the babies born into captivity. New York Mothers cofounders Randy Credico of the William Moses Kunstler Fund for Social Justice (www.kunstler.org) and former Rockefeller drug law prisoner Anthony Papa (www.15yearstolife.com) were joined by group member Julie Colon for the trip. Colon is the daughter of Melita Oliveira, who was arrested at JFK Airport in 1988 carrying cocaine and sentenced to a mandatory minimum 15 years in prison. Oliveira was granted clemency by New York Gov. George Pataki in December, but now faces deportation to her native Peru as a "criminal alien." The New York Mothers of the Disappeared came to meet their counterparts with some anxiety and trepidation because they were unsure whether the Argentine Mothers would see their cause as worthy, said Credico. "We were a little nervous," he said. "It's one thing to be in jail for drugs and quite another to be secretly tortured and killed for your political beliefs. But they understood. They could see the political ramifications of the drug war, and while there are different levels of repression, they could see that these policies target the poor and the non-white." Credico contacted the Mothers' groups in Argentina because he wanted to honor them as role-models and explain the New York Mothers' struggle to their Latin American counterparts. "We decided we would go to show some gratitude and see if we could come up with some support for our movement in New York," an exhausted Credico said by phone from Buenos Aires Tuesday night. The New Yorkers spent a busy week in Buenos Aires, meeting on Tuesday with two groups of Mothers of the Disappeared, Wednesday with the Grandmothers of the Disappeared, and participating Thursday in the Mothers' weekly vigil at the Plaza de Mayo and at a well-attended press conference following the vigil. This week's vigil honored the New York Mothers of the Disappeared. ![]() "The Argentine Mothers researched the Kunstler Fund and the New York Mothers before we came down," said Credico. "They knew about the two million people in prison in the United States, they understood the racist aspect of the drug war. They know what it means to have a person disappear from your life, whether it's in Greenhaven state prison or an Argentine torture chamber. We are flabbergasted, ecstatic, I'm at a loss for words," said Credico, who rarely is.
"They are a real inspiration," said Credico, "there is so much strength and courage. And they are old, some in their 70s and 80s. "They say 'we're not special heroes; these are our children.' They kept going and going and going, and even though their activism brought down the military government, they're still not satisfied and they continue to fight. Just as once we destroy the Rockefeller laws, we will still be on the street fighting for justice." |
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