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Prisoner Re-Entry
in the News

Prisoner Re-Entry
& Reports

Educational Assistance

A newly released prisoner seeking more education may be barred from receiving federal financial aid for schooling. In 1998 the Higher Education Act was amended to prohibit anyone with a drug conviction from receiving any federal grant, loan or work-assistance for post-secondary education.

Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) has introduced H.R. 685 that would repeal the provision in the 1998 Higher Education Act prohibiting anyone with a drug conviction from receiving federal financial aid for post-secondary education.

Related Links:

Prison Scholar Fund - The Fund is a small grassroots operation that empowers would-be incarcerated students through direct scholarship support.

Article: Saved By The Bell; from Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel (WI), 12/30/06

Article: Reframing Education to Fit Re-entry; from Corrections.Com (US Web), posted 8/9/04

Raise Your Voice: Student Action for Change: A project of The Coalition for Higher Education Act Reform (CHEAR)

Students for Sensible Drug Policy

The John W. Perry Fund: Scholarships for students denied federal financial aid because of drug convictions

After Prison: Roadblocks To Reentry - A Report On State Legal Barriers Facing People With Criminal Records; from the Legal Action Resource Center (Also available in PDF Format)

Visit the Legal Action Center's Rentry Resource Links

Other groups or projects? Tell us about it! Email: - Please paste the URL address of this page into the e-mail, and tell us about your project or group.

Higher Education Act (HEA) News

Untitled Document

Other Re-Entry Resources

After Prison: Roadblocks To Reentry - A Report On State Legal Barriers Facing People With Criminal Records; from the Legal Action Resource Center

Cons Helping Cons: is an "online support community for anyone who has left prison, jail, penitentiary, correctional facility, halfway house, or anyone dealing with the aftermath of a criminal past or criminal record."

Select Prisoner Reentry Publications; from The Urban Institute

Reentry: Helping Former Prisoners Return to Communities (PDF Format) from Making Connections: Neighborhood Transformations

Legal Barriers to Prisoner Reentry in New Jersey

Visit the Legal Action Center's for more Rentry Resources

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